
We breathe the remains

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We breathe the remains of everything that was, 2022, exhibition view
We breathe the remains of everything that was, 2022, exhibition view
of everything that was. Zuza Piekoszewska, Natalia Karczewska, Magda Starska, Grzegorz Bożek, Paweł Marcinek und Przemysław Piniak
Zuza Piekoszewska, Future traveller III, 2020, mixed media installation: bioplastic, acrylic, linen, metal basket, mortar
Zuza Piekoszewska, Future traveller III, 2020, mixed media installation: bioplastic, acrylic, linen, metal basket, mortar
Zuza Piekoszewska, Future traveller III, 2020, mixed media installation: bioplastic, acrylic, linen, metal basket, mortar (detail)
Zuza Piekoszewska, Future traveller III, 2020, mixed media installation: bioplastic, acrylic, linen, metal basket, mortar (detail)
Magda Starska, Volcano, 2012, assisted readymade: sideboard, kettle, plaster
Magda Starska, Volcano, 2012, assisted readymade: sideboard, kettle, plaster
Magda Starska, Volcano, 2012, assisted readymade: sideboard, kettle, plaster (detail)
Magda Starska, Volcano, 2012, assisted readymade: sideboard, kettle, plaster (detail)
We breathe the remains of everything that was, 2022, exhibition view
We breathe the remains of everything that was, 2022, exhibition view
We breathe the remains of everything that was, 2022, exhibition view
We breathe the remains of everything that was, 2022, exhibition view
Magda Starska, Together better, 2021, acrylic on canvas
Magda Starska, Together better, 2021, acrylic on canvas
Natalia Karczewska, Avo-hat-touch, 2022, mixed media installation: wood, paper, textiles, lightbulb, pencil, marker, resin, plexi
Natalia Karczewska, Avo-hat-touch, 2022, mixed media installation: wood, paper, textiles, lightbulb, pencil, marker, resin, plexi
We breathe the remains of everything that was, 2022, exhibition view
We breathe the remains of everything that was, 2022, exhibition view
Zuza Piekoszewska, Future Traveller II, mixed media: bioplastic, spray paint, varnish
Zuza Piekoszewska, Future Traveller II, mixed media: bioplastic, spray paint, varnish
Zuza Piekoszewska, Coarctate pupa, 2021, mixed media: bioplastic, linen
Zuza Piekoszewska, Coarctate pupa, 2021, mixed media: bioplastic, linen
Pawel Marcinek, Feeling Secure, 2021, mixed media: iron, wood, plaster
Pawel Marcinek, Feeling Secure, 2021, mixed media: iron, wood, plaster
Grzegorz Bozek, Gray Crow Spirit, 2022, egg tempera on wooden board
Grzegorz Bozek, Gray Crow Spirit, 2022, egg tempera on wooden board
Zuza Piekoszewska, Mushrooming, 2022, pencil, pigment and plaster on linen
Zuza Piekoszewska, Mushrooming, 2022, pencil, pigment and plaster on linen
Przemyslaw Piniak, Malpoid-Czloid, 2022, acrylic and enamel on board
Przemyslaw Piniak, Malpoid-Czloid, 2022, acrylic and enamel on board
Przemyslaw Piniak, PylniceP, 2019, video installation, markerpen on cotton
Przemyslaw Piniak, PylniceP, 2019, video installation, markerpen on cotton
Magda Starska, Elephantese of power, 2022, oil on canvas
Magda Starska, Elephantese of power, 2022, oil on canvas
Pawel Marcinek, Common Horizon, 2022, mixed media installation: umbrella wires, plaster, ashes, dust
Pawel Marcinek, Common Horizon, 2022, mixed media installation: umbrella wires, plaster, ashes, dust
Pawel Marcinek, The year before, 2021, mixed media: burnt steering wheel, plaster
Pawel Marcinek, The year before, 2021, mixed media: burnt steering wheel, plaster
‘We breathe the remains of everything that was’ is the first of the exhibition series ‘Re-collection’ organised by GiG Munich at Lothringer 13 Studio from July to December 2022. GiG Munich is currently operating nomadically as GiG air, presenting work at different locations both physical and virtual. For 2022, Lothringer 13 Halle invited GiG Munich to produce the ‘Re-collection’ exhibition series at the Lothringer 13 Studio, a continuation of the previous series ‘Thinking Nature’ that took place at GiG Munich in 2021, For this first exhibition at a new location, GiG Munich collaborates with the hybrid space Łęctwo run by Przemek Sowiński, to present the work of Zuza Piekoszewska, Natalia Karczewska, Magda Starska, Grzegorz Bożek, Paweł Marcinek and Przemysław Piniak. If GiG Munich’s focus has always been the more abstract and theoretical, Łęctwo’s interests tend to lie in the immediate and physical, as well as the intimate. Łęctwo’s programme of contemporary art always has had this utopian element, art as a deeply personal drive to transform the surrounding reality, enacting real change in our cognitive lives. In their exhibition together, GiG Munich and Łęctwo look together at the idea of cultural memory, in relation to nature, biology and human. Na każdych kroku trafiamy na rozciągnięte w czasie pozostałości naszej własnej egzystencji. Szczątki i pyły poprzedniego istnienia przenikają nasze płuca, przywołując pamięć tego co robili nasi przodkowie. Pozostawione przez nas rzeczy stają się surowcami nowych procesów, a śmierć jest tylko epizodem nigdy niekończocęgo się cyklu. W tym wszystkim najbardziej realna wydaje się teraźniejszość, ale czmyże jest skoro ciągle się od nas odsuwa. Każdy nasz oddech wypełnia atmosferę, stając się przeszłością w chwili zaczerpnięcia nowego. Każdy nasz wydech zawiera ułamek przewidywanej przyszłości. Te dwa czasy pozostają w ścisłej relacji. Być może odzyskujemy to, co już dawno zniknęło nam z zasięgu wzroku. Ciągłość rzeczy, w której każda materia, przeszłość i przyszłość przenikają do nas horyzontalnie, nie tylko na poziomie odczuwania metafizycznego, ale realnej zmiany genów, dając nadzieję na zupełnie inną, hybrydyczną formę istnienia. Przemek Sowiński At every step, we encounter the remnants our own existence spread out in time. The debris and dust of our previous lives penetrate our lungs, evoking the memory of what our ancestors did. The things left behind by us become the raw materials of new processes, and death is only an episode of a never ending cycle. In all of this, the present seems to be the most real, but what is this present, when it always moves away from us? Each of our breaths fills the atmosphere, becoming the past with every new gulp of air we inhale. Each exhaled breath contains a fraction of the foreseeable future. These two times remains in close relation. Perhaps we are recovering what has long since disappeared from our sight. The continuity of things, in which all matter, past and future permeate us horizontally, not only at the level of metaphysical feeling, but of real genetic transformation, giving hope for a completely different, hybrid form of being. trans. Magdalena Wisniowska
Przemek Sowiński, Magdalena Wisniowska